Custom Capital Solutions.
Creative Ideas.
Objective Advice.

10 Reasons to Hire a Financial Advisor

  1. An independent analysis of multiple financing alternatives helps you evaluate which are best for your organization’s mission.
  2. Your fiduciary responsibility requires that you evaluate multiple options and make sure you are getting a fair deal. This may require the technical expertise of a knowledgeable financial advisor.
  3. Long-term debt is one of the most expensive undertakings an organization can pursue. Your financial decisions today can have a long-term cost impact, so making the right decisions is critical. An advisor can help you evaluate your choices confidently and reduce needless costs.
  4. Certain types of financing are risky, making it very important to get professional advice on the ones that best fit your needs.
  5. The typical underwriter must manage a conflict of interest between its two “customers”—bond buyers and you, the borrower. A financial advisor can look out for your interests exclusively.
  6. A financial advisor can help you generate competition for your financing, possibly resulting in better terms for your organization.
  7. How far can you push your bank? Knowledgeable financial advisors know what terms are realistically attainable.
  8. Underwriting agreements may have unfavorable hidden terms. Capable financial advisors can expose—and help you bypass—potential pitfalls.
  9. Many not-for-profit borrowers—especially in the senior housing industry—are infrequent participants in the debt capital markets. Your financial advisor can level the playing field when you work with professional lenders.
  10. A financial advisor can help you evaluate whether you have an appropriate amount of debt, given your institution’s financial position.

At Hamlin Capital Advisors, your organization’s interests are our interests.

To discuss your individual needs, please call us at 813-280-1000, or contact us.